Sunday, January 20, 2013

What She Shed...

I call my little creative space the "She-Shed"  a term gifted to me from an old school friend.  I loved the sound of it,  "She-Shed" the antithesis of Man-Cave.

While I am busy now "fixing her up" I haven't actually "created" anything...other than the space.  Lately, I find myself  spending more time thinking than actually creating.  It happens sometime, my need for the "perfect" project and my fears that things won't turn out as I imagined, that my "visual voice" won't be good enough when compared to others.  The ego is such War Lord.

Just as I was examining the abundance of rules I tend to create for myself...I receive this gentle nudge.  Sweet inspiration from Kat Sloma one of my favorite muses who wrote of her own struggles in the following passage.
       "Lately, I've recognized a few definitions I had created for myself had become self-imposed limits. By shedding the definitions I had gathered around who I was as an artist and what my art was supposed to look like, I've been bursting with creativity...
Ahhhh....She-Shed...and so shall I!

Good advice.  Thank you Kat!


  1. I love the idea of the "She-Shed" - a physical space where you can shed all of the rules and expectations and just create. I love how you connected the two ideas. I think this piece should be on the door of your space, to remind you of this each time you enter! Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I appreciate knowing how sharing my experience helped you connect in this way!

  2. You are so very welcome Kat. I do so appreciate your taking the time to read and post. And as said it so beautifully...a physical space where you can shed all of the rules and expectations. Perfect.
