Friday, March 27, 2015


I saw this clip this morning about "rewiring the brain".  Well, it took five clicks and lots of information to get to the source and I didn't have the patience for it. Patience in not one of my virtues, but thinkin' is...and so I realized I had been thinkin' about this all week. Changin' my "mind-set" has to come from someplace deep, it has to come from need and desire and belief in something bigger than the moment. It takes practice and consciousness, it isn't a quick fix. So there you go...something from the well this a.m.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Juggler

I have to be honest, I do quite a bit of jugglin’.  I have to…or so I think.
Maybe I don’t, maybe I need to focus of what’s important and leave the rest for another time.
Thing is, I hate it when I catch myself blamin’ the situation or the circumstances.  I already know that Miss Universe is NOT to blame.  She gives me lots of room to mess up on my own.
I don’t question her wisdom, I usually just shout, “My Bad”